
Spreading the culture of design in the Italian public administration

We supported the spread of design culture within the public institution, the launch of an internal design unit, and the creation of the Design System, which has become INPS’s general visual language.

View of the Sirio homepage and various other components of the design system in a laptop

We supported the spread of design culture within the public institution, the launch of an internal design unit, and the creation of the Design System, which has become INPS’s general visual language.


Public Service & Institutions


2021 - Ongoing



Innovating work practices and tools through learning by doing

Demonstrating the design value within a complex context such as the Italian Public Administration is not an easy task. In the initial phase, Sketchin and INPS tested their collaboration through strategic and user-centered design activities which subsequently allowed them to structure frameworks, practices and work tools at an institutional level.

At the same time, we played a formative role: the stakeholders who took part in the co-design activities were able to understand different design methodologies and practices and apply them to future projects.

ADI Design Index 2022
ADI Design Index 2022
GOV Design Awards 2022
GOV Design Awards 2022
iF Design Award 2023
iF Design Award 2023
View of an internal page of Sirio, design system of INPS, in a smartphone


INPS wanted to structure an internal design unit, defining a manifesto, a working agreement and a working framework to be extended to all the Institute's teams and projects. At the same time, one of the project's main results was the creation of an evolved Design System open to the contribution of users and suppliers. The diffusion and correct application of the new visual language was achieved by defining design tokens and strategically supporting the definition of Design Governance, in which we guarantee the proper application of the Design System.

redesigned services with the new design system
impacted citizens
internal stakeholders involved

Creating a new working model for UX@INPS

Through co-design sessions, the UX@INPS group Manifesto was collaboratively created, defining their mission, vision and values, and the group name itself.

In the initial stages, UX@INPS defined a team working agreement composed of 11 guidelines for the team's work and designed a governance model that could help them guide the application of new practices and tools within the Institute, as well as spread the culture of design.

INPS design pillar graphics in card form

INPS Design Pillar, the foundation for an in-house design culture.

In cooperation with UX@INPS, we designed the I.E.S. (INPS Experience System) framework to define the design steps and activities projects development should be driven by. The main challenge was to adapt design best practices into the INPS’ context, adjusting to the complexity of the operating model and using a language accessible even to people less familiar with design.

Graphical visualisation of the INPS internal unit design framework

IES - INPS Experience System, the design framework of the internal unit.

View of the homepage of Sirio, design system of INPS, in a laptop

Uniform the digital experience with Sirio, the new INPS Design System

Sirio is INPS' new visual and interaction language, a set of rules and guidelines that allow all the figures involved in developing INPS' digital channels to maintain consistency and continuity.

Sirio was published online with the help of a Design System Manager that allows its continuous updating and maintenance. The system is constantly evolving precisely to support the evolution of the services offered to citizens and the rapid transformation of technology and the market.

In addition, to strengthen a transparent and participatory relationship between citizens and institutions, it was decided to make the Design System ( public and open to anyone wishing to provide helpful feedback for improvements.

Graphical views of several web pages of Sirio the Design System of INPS
Detail of some components and icons of Sirio, design system of INPS
Details of some design guidelines of Sirio, design system of INPS

The quick and easy updating of Sirio's components is guaranteed by the availability of Design Tokens for each of them, which are sets of variables that identify each element's visual characteristics and interactive behavior.

Within the institute, Design Tokens have constituted a new visual communication standard, bringing countless benefits. For instance, they have made it possible to centralize design choices, make all citizen services consistent, facilitate communication between design and development teams, and speed up design updates and changes in services already online.

Graphical detail of some typographical specifications for the web touchpoint of Sirio, the Design System of INPS
Graphical detail of the technical specifications of Sirio Design Tokens, Design System of INPS

Making content accessible for citizens

The INPS writing guide provides employees and suppliers with indications and rules on how to write simple, clear and accessible texts. It regulates the flow of content editing with the aim of making it clear and citizen-friendly.

With the introduction of the writing guide, essential issues are regulated such as: INPS tone of voice, limitation of bureaucratic language and inclusive writing.

There is also a check-list useful for organising and writing content, respecting the guidelines.

Eight-card graphics of the Sirio writing guide, Design System of INPS

The activities at INPS facilitate introducing and disseminating design practices and approaches within the Institute. Our methodologies have supported internal processes, facilitating co-design and sharing between stakeholders. The launch of Sirio, INPS' Design System, simplifies communication with designers and developers and encourages citizen participation.

Project Numbers

weekly iterations
designers from Sketchin team
INPS’ areas involved in the activities

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