
Our unique design process

Design Over Time

Dot is our systemic design process that moves on three temporal horizons to create future-proof businesses, products and services. Every temporal dimension is a transformative factor in generating resilient and sustainable solutions, defining goals, activities and tools through a tailor-made project path.

Explore Dot

We decided to open Dot to the public to allow anyone to experiment with it for non-commercial purposes. This document contains objectives, activities and tools to create a unique and personalised project path.

Why design with Dot?

In a socio-economic environment characterized by great volatility and instability, we have evolved our design method to respond to emerging business challenges to create lasting and equitable value for our partners and clients.

What it means:

  • Proactive change. Enabling companies to anticipate technological and societal change with a proactive rather than reactive attitude.
  • Future impacts awareness. Increasing awareness of the project's direct and indirect economic, environmental and social impacts.
  • Ecosystem vision. Designing for the entire ecosystem of actors directly or indirectly affected by our present and future choices.
  • Future-proof present. Creating products and services that last over time by looking at future needs and signs of change.

Considering the future allows us to intervene in the present consciously, so we approach design starting from the farthest horizon.

Towards society-centred design

With Dot, we help companies design themselves and their activities with a new way of generating value that is sustainable for everyone involved.

To do that, we must foresee the impacts of our design choices and all the external factors we cannot control. We look at people not only as individuals but considering their broader context: environment, relationships and communities.

Going beyond a user-centred design approach, we mediate between technology, policies, and the public to ensure that innovation aligns with and serves humanity's needs rather than dictating them.

A more conscious design balances the interests of multiple actors at the same time.

We use Dot to empower forward-thinking organisations to explore technology, face the future, launch new endeavours, and enhance human experiences. We shape business growth to create long-lasting value with a positive impact on people, communities and the environment.

Want more?

Designing with the future in mind allows us to create effective and aware solutions for today. Book a meeting to discover how we can design together for your future-proof business.